Who would have though Goldfish games post could lead to so many other posts!
I just seen this post, but I als see your forum is still up and
operational CArol, so why be a hipocrite and accuse me when when your
still not in compliance in any way. YOur still dogging me as the post
below clearly illustrates. When I just seenthis post I cxheck yur
forum and its up, so why go and dump mine,. give me a reason carol, I
gave yu an opportunity, which was more than a reason, and you
refused, so now do something to impress me and convince ME you can do
what you say.....None of th is I'll show you mine if you show me
yours. .....I don't need no labor pains, I wanna see a baby! So put up
or shut up. Its really quite simple. I tried, now its your turn to
convince me.......show me the baby Carol!
And show me where I attacked you today......I do not think you can, no
I know you can't show me, because I have not attacked you. I
dissagreed with you on one post or so, but I have not attacked you,
now have I. Could I have attacked you , yep sure could have. Could I
jab and rag oon oyu, yep sure could havem, but did I..hell no I didn't
but just l ook at what you did in the reef group........care to
explain those insecure actions Carol?
Believe what you want Carol, this group or any other group is not
gonna have problems with me....I can be trusted to keep my
word.........lets see if you can do the same! Prove me and the
others wrong for once!
Oh and who else have I asked to leave usenet? I never really asked you
to leave as much as I and others asked uyouo to chill the hell out or
go away........and to reign in your socks! Its been the same old
requests made by others that I made and that foks continue to make of
you carol. Nothing out of the normal realm, just ordinary dam stuff
normal folks would have no problems doing! So you can go ahead and
blow all this stuff out of proportions and get anbother case of
paranoia or mistrust of foks, so bei it or you can do what needs to
be done and get along..its your choice, but I'll be damed if your
gonna get a chance to blame me for your problems, real or perceived,
as its just not gonna happen carol.
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:05:27 -0600, Zëbulon
"~ janj" wrote in message
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 07:31:34 -0600, Tristan
To late CArol that offer has been withdrawn. I told you I was not
going to wait for ever to get any reply. You play dumbass to Jan
saying you never saw it, yet you replied to it with a SNIP
Actually I went back and found it, and inserted into my text. Too bad you
won't continue the offer, I'd like to see if she'd keep her word. I just
can't believe it.
I did keep my word - did he remove his hate-Forum? He has no intention of
ending this Jan. Look at all the attention it's getting him, all the power
he feels he has and feels he deserves over this group. He's an attention
whore. He's not going to give that up. And I don't know what makes you
think I read one of Roy Hauer's idiotic, juvenile, redundant and boring
messages. Why do you? Do you actually expect to find one on topic or one
where he's not obsessing over me? he claims he has my email address. Let
him contact me by e-mail. No way am I going to read his hate-filled trash
And Carol, it IS your fault, plus Jabbers, Roy and everyone else who
on the bandwagon of nastiness.... that where the "you all" comes in. ~ jan
Jan, if you want to believe I somehow paid, coerced or forced these immature
deviants to destroy this group I can assure you you are wrong. What reason
would I have? I've been here on and off for 11 years. Why are you taking
your rage and anger out on me? That's just what they want. Can't you see
that? You keep feeding them with your hate towards me and they love it.
They keep working on you and working on you and it's working. Their
psychology is working on you. It's a game to them but you can't see it.
Why can't you just wait for the moderated group to come into existence were
neither of us will have to put up with them?
Even if I left this group you are going to keep having this problem with
Roy-Tristan because he has a history of attacking people. I'm not his only
victim. You seem to feel everyone Roy decides he don't want someone on
Usenet, his victim should leave just to please him. Where can you possible
get such ideas? You do know he's doing this to other women don't you?
I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!