Who would have though Goldfish games post could lead to so many other posts!
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 17:43:38 -0600, Tristan wrote:
Not that your interested in sal****er fish, but checkout the reef
group. CArol trashed that group last night in retaliation.
Just seems to me it would be worth it to try anything.
Its stuff like that , that keeps me from k issing someones butt to do
whats right
Striking that vision out of my brain but I don't expect you to. I just
think, if she's willing, what does it hurt? If she doesn't keep her word,
than I really feel that would be the final nail. I need to see & hear that
final nail I guess. If it saves the reef group, what's the harm? If not,
we're all the wiser. We know Roy extended the olive branch (giving her the
benefit of the doubt that she didn't see it till I did the copy & paste) if
she breaks it... the proof is there for the many. Whereas before it was
only a few that were savvy enough to figure who is who. ~ jan