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Old 26-03-2003, 02:32 AM
Anita Hawkins
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Default [IBC] Growing Box = Ground

John NJ wrote:
... some that I can't leave out in the garden over the winter.
Can I put those in oversized wooden boxes (screen bottom) filled with garden
soil and set them in the garden?

Hi John - sure you can. Growth won't be quite as rapid as planted
right into the ground, though, from losing the roots each fall that
you cut off to lift it. I'm concerned that rapid root growth through
the "screen bottom" might be enough to destroy the screen. As an
alternative, consider Brent's* "escape" method, where you leave them
in generously sized nursery pots, and just bury the bottom few inches.
Let the roots escape through the drainage holes over the season.

In either case, be aware that you'll need to water into the top of
your container regularly to keep the roots inside from dying of drought.

You might also want to fill your containers with a aerated container
mix, too, not garden soil, since you'll be keeping them in the
containers over the winter.

Northern Harford County, Maryland

*Brent at Evergreen Gardenworks,

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