Thread: Dame de coeur
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Old 26-03-2003, 12:20 AM
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Default Dame de coeur


I am Dutch

as Marianne and Rien are


I answered Mriannes question already in private (and in Dutch) as Shiva
doesn't want me to appear here as she believes this is "her" newsgroup....

Just to let you know...


"Allegra" schreef in bericht

"antis" wrote in message

Since you don't speak Dutch you may as well go to
Google and find how to translate the original message
by Rien, from where the quote came.

Which roughly translated means:

*If you ask more questions in this newsgroup, do that then in English,
this an English speaking newsgroup and if you do so then it gets you

and faster answers*

I guess it pays to read the entire content of something
- and understand it - before we appoint ourselves to the grand jury...


Thanks Allegra.
You understand very wel what i meant to say.
The way you speak Dutch,is the same way I speak Englisch.
I do understand the mening of the messages but i am not always able to

Greatings, Rien. (The Netherlands)

(and yes, i have a dictionary next to me!!!!)

Hello Rien,

When you speak a couple of languages as I do and have
traveled around the world a couple of times as I have,
the first thing you learn to do is to read with your heart
and then with your eyes. It may be naive and old fashioned,
but I come from an era of gentility and respect for others
that demands that I act that way. I would have never for
a second suspected you of a prejudiced or jingoist answer,
I knew you were trying to help someone and had to do so
with very limited options.

You are most welcome, and once again thank you for
explaining to Marian that it wasn't that -I, for instance-
was ignoring her request for help, it was that I didn't
know even with the dictionary how to ask her where
she was or tell her how to take care of the Queen of Hearts
without confusing the heck out of her.

How are your roses doing? Best wishes for them
and you from a surprisingly dry day in Portland,
