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Old 02-01-2007, 11:22 PM posted to
Diana Kulaga Diana Kulaga is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 589
Default Non-orchid: Arctostaphylos pajaroensis - endangered ericad from California

I have no problem with non-orchids here. It's not as if we do it all the
time. And, hey - sometimes we even see pictures of each other, our pets and
kids/grand children. I think that humanizes the group.

As to the non orchids, don't most of us have some cacti, etc, growing
alongside our orchids?


"John Varigos" wrote in message
I'm with Peter and Eric on this one. A modicum of non orchid photos adds
to the interest in this group. After all, orchids do not grow in
isolation in Nature and the surrounding flora and fauna add to the whole

While speaking of "off topic", has anyone heard anything from Kye? I
e-mailed him 'off line' some weeks ago and never heard anything back. The
message did not bounce so it seems his address is still active.



"P Max" wrote in message
Eric, some non orchidaceous items are so extraordinary that the delight
received often overpowers any antipathy to these on ABPO. I don't think
any of us want our beloved ABPO to be overrun by non topic stuff, least
of all porn. However, certain non topic items are very interesting asides
and part of the broader orchid context or setting that we experience, be
these carpet snakes, koalas, hummingbird fledglings or other interesting
botanics and animals which many of us encounter during orchid expeditions
or in the g.h. at home. I'm comfortable with a low level of worthwhile
deviations from topic as these often add spark to ABPO. Your Arcto.....
photo is certainly interesting and good to see.
I can't speak for the group however, and will respect the common
preference here.
"Eric Hunt" wrote in message
In the interest of expanding botanical appreciation and knowledge, along
with several folk's expressed interest in small numbers of non-orchid
photos, I'm presenting a couple of my favorite non-orchid shots. With
respect to the group, if these are too off-topic, just let me know and
I'll go back to all orchids all the time.

Arctostaphylos is a genus of ericads with a center of distribution in
California. It has a narrow range along the foggy coast of California,
Oregon, Washington, and possibly British Colombia.

A. pajaroensis is threatened by the standard thing: residential
development of coastal land.

Other famous ericads are Blueberries and Rhododendrons.
-Eric in SF