Hyacinths in New York
I received a gift basket this season filled with tulips, hyacinths and
daffodils. Enclosed was an instruction sheet. I'll skip the instructions
for caring
for it before it blooms. Here's the info for after.
Forcing flower bulbs depletes their reserves. If you wish to try to save
the bulbs for planting in the garden the following season, follow these
steps: Remove the flower heads as they fade. Do not remove the leaves or
stem. When the foliage dies back, stop watering and store the
bulbs in a dry location. Plant the bulbs in the fall 8" deep.
I store bulbs in a bag of dry potting soil or peat moss in a cool place.
Refrigerator or cool basement works. Hope this helps.
Zone 7b - North Carolina
"Polar" wrote in message
You-all Easterners, can you help a relative who just called me
about her indoor hyacinth? They live on the Upper West Side in NYC.
The hyacinth bloomed for about 10 days (filling the apt with wonderful
perfume, she said).
Now she wants to know whether to cut it back, or?
I have never grown hyacinths. Looked in Western Garden
Book but it didn't give any information about post-bloom.
Since it's a bulb, I assumed one should cut it back, but do
not know Eastern conditions; also have little-to-no experience with
bulbs. Off the top of my head, I'd think it should be cut back, but
need to wait until stem dries, or cut back while green?
She kind of assumes it was forced, at this time of year, but
doesn't know for sure, and has heard that forced bulbs don't do well
the following year, if they do save it in the frig. or? She also
also doesn't know the variety.
That's about all the info I have. Grateful for your wisdom,
which I'll pass on to the East.
Email copies welcome