For fox sake.
"Sacha" wrote in message
. uk...
On 28/1/07 20:05, in article ,
"Alan Holmes" wrote:
"Richard Corbett" wrote in message
It is a perfectly legal sport so are you saying that having been shot
bird shouldn't have been humanely dispatched.
Is it a sport extinguishing the life of a fellow planet dweller? Is the
taking of any life a sport? Is war a sport? At least soldiers fight each
other - it is not so loaded the way of of the coward who is taking no
risk - other than perhaps being shat on.
So breeding chickens for food is inhumane, when you either cut their
off or strangle them, that is inhumane?
Ditto for sheep and cattle, the only difference is that shooting birds is
less effective than cutting throats of sheep!
Do you want urg to be including in all this cross posting, Alan?
No, I've just decided to take out URG from any further posts I make on the
Unfortunately I've just sent a few!(:-(