Can you recommend a good Flora book for Croatia?
Hi Peter,
the flora key that I found most helpfull is DOMAC R., 1979: ''Mala flora
Hrvatske i susjednih podrucja''. Skolska knjiga, Zagreb. Unfortunatelly,
this book's third edition is the most recent of this kind (as far as I know)
and exists only in croatian language.
Else, you can check this link for books on this subject:
Popular summary of hither most common trees, brushwood, endemic and
decorative plants, authors Šilić and Lakušić have published in five books
with pictures and photos. Those are usually available in antique book-shops:
Šilić,Č., 1973: Atlas drveća i grmlja. Priroda Jugoslavije Zavod za
izdavanje udzbenika,Sarajevo.
Šilić,Č ., 1977: Šumske zeljaste biljke. Priroda Jugoslavije Svjetlost,
Šilić,Č ., 1984: Endemične biljke. Priroda Jugoslavije Svjetlost, Sarajevo
Šilić,Č ., 1990: Ukrasno drveće i grmlje. Priroda Jugoslavije Svjetlost,
Lakušić,R ., 1982: Planinske biljke. Priroda Jugoslavije Svjetlost, Sarajevo