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Old 25-01-2007, 02:30 AM posted to
Lar Lar is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 104
Default Centipede VS St. Augustine

f4forever wrote:
Which grass, centipede or St. Augustine, will eventually become the
prodominate variety if both are in the same lawn? Last house had a St.
Augustine lawn that did not require much care other than a yearly
fertilizing and mowing about every 10 days during the active growing
season. It kept all weeds out of lawn with no chemicals or very little
required. Current house has a centipede lawn and while the mowing
schedule is about the same the weeds are running rampant and require
what I consider an enormous amount of chemicals to keep them under
control. Considering plugging current lawn in early summer with St.
Augustine if it will "take over" from the centipede. Thanks for any
and all assistance.

Was always under the impression that St Augustine would always out
compete other grasses in same lawn. (Assuming the lawn is located in
where St. would be expected to flourish). Centipede has a slow growth
rate compared to St. Augustine.
