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Old 20-01-2007, 06:48 PM posted to
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Plant IDs - please

In message , janka
There is not much that I can find on the internet about U. radicans and no
descriptons. This link, suggests that it is a
synonym for Adicea radicans, on which I draw a complete blank. Where is
it found? What is the source for the name?

Area of my interest are wet and flooded sites in the region southerwards
Drava river, Croatia.
I've found in books that two different authors have been found Urtica
radicans and Urtica dioica species in the floristic composition of this
specific terain, but I have no idea how to distinguish those plants. In the
key I use, there is not Urtica radicans mentioned at all. Nettles are very
abundant here, particularly beneath forest stands of alder (phytocenosis of
common alder with elongated sedge=Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae and
phytocenosis of common alder and narrow-leaved ash with

I've checked the Flora Europaea database online at

and it doesn't list Urtica radicans at all. Elsewhere I find Urtica
radicans referred to Urtica kioviensis Rogow., which is listed in Flora

Yes - the pink flower looks very much like Centaurium, but difficult from
visible detail to say which one. Possibly C. erythrea (Common Centaury).
Calix does not look right for Gentianella.

Yes! After Steward's reply I've searched for Centaurium genus. I'm quite
sure that this flower must be Centaurium pulchellum. Thanks!

Stewart Robert Hinsley