"janka" wrote in message
How can I identify species Urtica dioica from Urtica radicans? Can someone
help, please?
There is not much that I can find on the internet about U. radicans and no
descriptons. This link,
http://tinyurl.com/2scjns suggests that it is a
synonym for Adicea radicans, on which I draw a complete blank. Where is it
found? What is the source for the name?
Also there is another question:
It is a small plant that I've found on the sunny side of an derelict sandy
road. The flowers you can see on the photos are about 5mm broad. The
surounding habitat is marshland or wet...
Yes - the pink flower looks very much like Centaurium, but difficult from
visible detail to say which one. Possibly C. erythrea (Common Centaury).
Calix does not look right for Gentianella.