Life Span of a Norfolk Pine
Cearbhaill wrote:
"sling blade" wrote in message
Can someone please let me know the average life span of a Norfolk
Pine grown outdoors?
Longer than you'll ever live to see.
I found mention of 1000 year old NIP's in Chile, but most sites list
150 years.
Not Chile surely, as Norfolk Island Pines comes from N. I. near
Australia. Araucaria araucana comes from Chile, and Araucaria
angustifolia from southern Brazil.
That being said, it depends on the climate where you live. N. I. Pines
used to be popular in Rio de Janeiro when I was growing up, but they
last only a few decades there (I've heard of several cases where the
roots gave way and the tree went on to lean against a wall). They can
also be seen growing outdoors in the San Francisco Bay area, where I
live now. On the coast, you can see very large ones, they have obviously
been there more than a few decades (but I doubt that anybody has
experience growing them for much longer than 150 years outside of
Norfolk Island, certainly not in California).