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Old 08-01-2007, 04:03 AM posted to aus.gardens
Farm1 Farm1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default help! potato emergency!

"Stuart Naylor" wrote in message

I had a spare hanging basket I wasn't using, so I emptied the soil
into the compost, refilled the basket with fresh potting mix and
planted 4 lemon seeds.

Anyway about 10 days later I could plainly see a couple of shoots in
the hanging basket which would have been real beaut if they had been
lemons, but they were tomato plants. About 2 weeks later up came a
spud then eventually up came the 4 lemons (or at least I think


Could you keep us updated on how the lemons go please Stuart? I've
always been interested in whether seeds from the "not the normal
garden seeds" work.