Thread: Orchid Mania
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Old 07-01-2007, 01:01 AM posted to,rec.gardens.orchids
Eric Hunt[_1_] Eric Hunt[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 311
Default Orchid Mania


(crossposted back to r.g.o - most news servers deleted your original post,
and now the followup discussion is without context)

Thanks a million for that unsolicited plug!

We're actually 18 years old - something most of us can't even begin to
fathom - our roots are in a a backyard greenhouse off of Haight Street in
the Lower Haight neighborhood of San Francisco - and there are several
volunteers from the earliest days still with us. My own tenure with OM is
about 6 years.

If anyone would like to help OrchidMania's mission by donating cold, hard
cash or species orchid plants, drop me a private email - you can find it on or


-Eric in SF

"John Varigos" wrote in message
Posted to RGO by mistake.

Most people first come across Eric through his photos posted on ABPO and
flickr or via his orchid photo web

Another interesting aspect of Eric's life is that he is President of
OrchidMania, a volunteer orchid rescue centre set
up 13 years ago and which has as its mission statement:

"OrchidMania's primary mission is to provide financial and moral support
to grassroots AIDS prevention and relief organizations in the United
States, Central America and Southeast Asia. Moreover, it is our goal to
encourage interest and enthusiasm for orchid cultivation, conservation and
appreciation, and to provide a comfortable and positive vehicle for people
of all kinds to give their time and talents to AIDS relief."

All profits from orchid sales go to AIDS research and any donations of
orchids or cash would certainly be appreciated at OrchidMania (tax
deductible for US residents!) (unsolicited plug for OrchidMania.)

Here are a few shots that Eric provided of the growing areas inside
OrchidMania's Orchid Temple.

The Intermediate house.
