Mr Carpenter has developed a number of warm tolerant Cyms.
I grow some of them here on the FL Keys. Check his web site.
D. Wain Garrison
If you can read you can learn anything, for
there are those smarter than you who can
write, however, not everyone who can write
is smarter than you.
"profpam" wrote in message
Hi, RJ,
Cymbidium Finlaysonianum (if you are into species -- grows well in
Florida -- close to NC) and most hybrids should suffice for your
climate. Go for the large cymbidiums; stay away from Devonianum and
those that are listed as cool-growing. Oakhill has some inexpensive
ones; in fact, Sinense is a medium size but Chinese-type that does not
seem to mind the heat (I live inland Southern California where temps
the summer reach 105 and more). I've grown quite a few Cymbidiums in
the last 25+ years. Just don't put them out in the sun for the entire
day when it is in the 80's and 90's -- early morning sun is good for
them. Late afternoon sun is a little iffy in warm climates as leaves
scorch easily; however, Cymbidiums will not bloom if placed in too
shade or don't have cool late summer evenings in which to set the
Use bark, perlite, and some peat moss, and don't overwater. Cymbidiums
don't seem to like it too wet (They don't seem to thrive in soil the
consistency of dirt eventhough I did experiment with planting a 3 or 4
directly in a planter box (and they're still surviving after 15+ years
but are not growing as well as the potted ones -- it's colder in the
ground, and Cymbidiums are sensitive to frost, freeze, and extremes).
Since NC can experience cold, be sure to place a cloth over them when
temperature falls below the high 30's and low 40's as damage can
I also move my pots under the eaves. Yes, these are outside plants
do not grow well inside the house.
. . . Pam
Everything Orchid Management System
Hi Friends,
I'm looking for some warm tolerant cymbidiums that can take NC heat
(90's) outside in Summer. Can you recommend some species and
Thanks, RJ