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Old 24-03-2003, 05:56 PM
Bonnie Espenshade
Posts: n/a
Default Pond Digging 101

BenignVanilla wrote:
Lesson #4832 - When digging a pond hole, do not deposit dirt in trailer near
new pond hole.

I have a small trailer, maybe a cubic yard or so in size, sitting next to
the pond hole. As I have been digging, I cart the dirt (aka clay) away and
use it around the yard. The trailer sat there all winter and apparently
gained some moisture which made it quite heavy. Saturday, I went out to do
some more digging. As I began to toss dirt (aka water soaked clay) into the
trailer, I did not notice I had placed more on the backend then on the
frontend of the trailer. As the trailer filled with dirt (aka really
freakin' heavy water soaked clay), it began to tilt on it's axle. Moments
later the entire trailer of SUPER HEAVY WATER SOAKED CLAY dumped...right
back into the hole.

This does not bode well at all.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
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A very good example of Murphy's Law ;-)
