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Old 02-01-2007, 04:28 AM posted to rec.ponds
Gill Passman[_1_] Gill Passman[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 69
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Zëbulon wrote:

Then what would you consider a troll?

Well I do think Roy pretty much qualifies for this name...but you and
Jabbers do and Jan - well in spite of your accusations
haven't quite reached the heady heights of trolldome yet......but only
ever would do by your definition.....I rather think Roy and Jabbers and
the rest of the kooks you play with would laugh us off the playing field
if we tried....

You requested I not reply to this
poster (Roy-Tristan) and now you claim he's your friend on other NGs.

Not sure I ever claimed Roy as a friend....but I will say that when I
have a mushroom coral colony spewing it's guts out like spaghetti and
killing off my inverts in my little sal****er tank I will post on a reef
related group....and if I get good advice I will take it.....I'm not
about to post this on rec.ponds or any of the aquatic groups.....I asked
for help - I got it.....and very much appreciated it was (thanks
Roy).....if I had no history with rp or the aquarium groups I wouldn't
have a clue about the person who gave me such great help......get a
grip......usenet is not just about where you post.....and it is not just
about wars on rec.ponds and the aquarium groups.....

You're exact words were, "Let them stew in their own juices."

Yes....and quite right too.....problem is you just can't do that...

This group is unusanle because of his constant attacks on
anyone who posts here, including the mysterious Carol.

Give us all a break with the "mysterious Carol" stuff CAROL - everyone
knows your name and in fact it doesn't matter a can play
at zebulon, koi-lo, reel-mckoi, windsong - doesn't matter....just like
me you are who you are....

I can't believe I'm saying this but it sure looks like you've joined
them. :-O

Watch yourself there lady.....I am not a troll, never have been and
never will be....but I will speak my mind and none of you are going to
stop me doing this whatever insults you care to throw at me....Oh, and
yes I stupidly do this with a traceable email addy - why???? because I
have nothing to hide......
