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Old 01-01-2007, 09:47 PM posted to rec.ponds
~ janj[_1_] ~ janj[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 154
Default i support a moderated rec.ponds - Ping Gill

wrote in message
Hello Group,

Once again . . . Thank you for your efforts in getting the new group up
and running. I did notice a few things that will no doubt become
weaknesses as the group progresses. While I am a newbie, I have much
experience in organizations within the "real" world, and noticed a few
things that may prove helpful in maintaining a healthy vitality to the

brevity snip
Thank you. I couldn't have said this better myself. You brought up several
good points that were not mentioned in the past and things I've wanted to
ask. So far the moderators are a group of friends who've known each other
for awhile. I never saw them disagree on anything although I'm sure I miss
an occasional message. I can't help but wonder what would happen if someone
did disagree with them as I did over the fish food issue.

Has the group already been created? I haven't heard anything so far.

I hope this wasn't your idea of a post in support of RPM. I wouldn't have
considered it to be one. Imo, the support got lost (if even there) in the
negative comment directed at the proposed moderators. And as far as the
disagreement, to my recollection, that was with me not "them". ~ jan