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Old 01-01-2007, 09:17 PM posted to rec.ponds
Tristan Tristan is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

On Mon, 01 Jan 2007 20:03:09 +0000, Gill Passman

Just a thought....but surely by you, as a regular member and poster on
rec.ponds, joining in with the trolls fed them far more than any
individual that decided to respond after getting heated and
frustrated....and what could be more destructive and beneficial to the
trolls to have a regular, respected poster take their side and in fact
prove his ability to troll way over what they wanted or expected?????

Have to dispute this statement. I have never been considered a regular
anything on this group but a troll. Always was and always will be due
in cause by Carol when she went by Windsong as well as another just
like her named Nedra.....So since I have always been pegged as such I
see no reason not to follow through with it all as i see no reason
that benefits me to change. ONLy real destructive posts are made by
jerks like CArol and others with a porpensity to aggravate others like
NIck and Nedra and those that like to spout off then go PLONK....thats
what mnakes crap like is in rec.ponds grow to the proportions its
does. Its not thre trolls, those labeld as trolls just don;t take crap
from assholes thaty loke to be heard like CArol and a few others.
Pretty simple if you ask me, and its perfectly easy to recify if they
really wanted to.....

Now in replying to you most will say I'm answering a troll....nah, I
don't think so.....but I'm sure at least one person will perpetuate this
by asking if I know who I am talking to (oh and do I check headers???? -

Carol wil eat yu for breakfast if yu do not hcek yu r headers. After
all she ought to know....she is a master at forgeing them and expects
all others to be able to differentiate like she does....but why chekc
headers, we all know CArol is gonna make a usenet alert news
announcement anyhow. Let carol do the checking it keeps her occupied
and less time to post. If checking headersw gets her off so be it, I
know randy is too busy with his downloads to pay any attention to the
attention whore in all reality anyhow. Oh, and I really am a troll. I
like that title and the ability to fight back and **** off folks that
**** me off. They all go away and sulk, I never have............never
will. I feel proud to be part of those that helped bring rp down all
in the name of CArol but it did not have to be that way if folks arond
here had backbones and told carol what to do and notified her ISP
instead of all those so called trolls, who never really lost their
accounts anyhow......

If people want to post on Usenet they take the rough with the
smooth....initially when I saw what was happening on rec.ponds I used
kill-files - now I don't touch them at brain can filter the
cr*p and I would hope most should be intelligent enough to do this as
well....the kill-file is a friend of the troll allowing them to
manipulate people into blocking those that they really want to
read....used in anger to block those with valid points just because they
dare air their views.....anyone who uses kill-files has no understanding
of what has been going on with rec.ponds....but JMO....

Exactly, my mind is much wquiker than kill filters, and if I see a
reasonable amount of folks whom I trust to respond to a so called
trolls post I will read it also. Other wise I may have missed somehitn
gthat I can utilize someday

And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in

See those assholes like to go PLONK just to make "their" statement and
cause and effect known, so why is it wrong fro any so called troll to
respoind as they feel fit either. Its not wrong, its totally right.
I am not familiar with a 2 finger salute, but am aware of a one finger
and five finger salute..both of which most members here are most
deserving of......No need to mention them all but it wold not be any
problem if you want a list. Its all those so called know it all
assholes who do not do any wrong that continually feed trolls and
protect jerks and go off and sulk, that are causing the trouble. Just
like Phyliss and Jims exhiliaratingpost on trolls. Sheeeesh grow the
**** up Jimmy boy, your a decrepit asshole if there ever was any with
such bullshit being posted and then complain because of crap being
posted or troll being incite this crap so get over it.



Tristan the Troll............unitil the time I feel I no longer need
to be a so called troll....and that my firends is all up to you and
your posts. I only reply to whats posted......and you feed me so don;t

Oh an yea, Bite my ass Nick your a lothesome old codger in too small
of panties to be even able to think straight.

I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!