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Old 01-01-2007, 08:52 PM posted to rec.ponds
Zebulon Zebulon is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 351
Default i support a moderated rec.ponds

wrote in message

1) Here is another way to access news.groups.proposals
and that is by going to the following website:

2) Look for article 173, with my name (Ron Schompert) attached to
it. Click on that article and you will open to a new page containing
the "RFD".

Hi, I can't seem to get a post through to NGP using my NSPs, and I can't
find an article 173 at that Url.
Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
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