Proper feeding and care of Trolls
What you idiots in this group do not realize is that it requires
certain items to be in place for a troll to survive. If they are not
fed they die. But this group above all other groups provides a banquet
for any poor troll that happens to stumble in this group. They are
readily pointed out and a huge banquet is made and fed tothe trolls
until they decide to cal it quits. So you all propagate trolls, and do
it quite readily without any prompting or consideration for anyone
else except to be able to see your name in living color oon any one really givea a shit about it.
The vast majority of folks in this group have a uncontrollable desire
to just have to reply to a troll as a trollhas the desire to entice
your posts, so therefor eyu not anay better than any troll is. YOu do
it at one end of the spectrum the troll does it at the other....anyone
who does contribute or entice a reply to a questionable post is no
better and in most cases worse thananya troll is, since its your
replies that starts more crap flowing than would have been made if
yuou just hit you ****wads get over feed
them so don't expect a troll to leave......For usch a varied group of
people who think their shit does not stink you all are about as smart
as a bucket full of rocks.
So if they gave out certificates for professional troll keeping I am
sure most of this group would certainly be in the receiving end of
getting that shingle awarded to them. Y'all do good at one thing and
one thing keeping a mess stirred with your never ending need
to reply and up your post now you fukwads can lay in
thebed you all made. Give it enough time and the so called moderated
group will also become a soggy mess of crap and control similar to
what all moderated forums and dictator ruled environments become.
So Rev Ron leads his sheeple down another road to vie for the title
held by Jim Jones. Just a word to the wise,Don't drink the kool-aide.
I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!