A word of warning!
In message , Bob Hobden
A week and a half ago I walked into our small greenhouse, turned around, and
straight into our tall Oleander, a leaf of which went up inside my glasses
and stabbed me in the eye.
To cut a very long story short after two days it got bad such that it was
very light sensitive and painful and the "Walk in Centre" (not local!) I
went to said I had scratched the cornea. Turns out their treatment was
incorrect because of the depth of the cut and I now have had to see a local
eye surgeon three times this week because it has ulcerated. Three lots of
eye drops to take. Only now am I able to look at a PC screen or any light
although my vision is still blurred in the right eye. Still can't drive.
My Surgeon says if you get something like that in your eye go to Hospital
ASAP for a checkup (and try to see an eye surgeon) don't wait for it to get
worse, with eyes it's better safe that sorry!
Bob, how awful for you. I hope it improves quickly.
June Hughes