Thread: Dame de coeur
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Old 24-03-2003, 05:20 AM
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Default Dame de coeur

"Allegra" wrote in message

"JimS." wrote in message
I don't think Allegra's point is that this is an EXCLUSIVELY
English-speaking group (we all know that Allegra is way too tasteful and
ladylike to say anything so tacky!). That seems pretty apparant (at

to me) in her second paragraph.

She just meant that she can't speak Dutch, and she was glad that Rien

This newsgroups PREDOMINANT language is English, that's all.

I can only speak for myself, but I certainly don't mind if non-English
speakers post in here...but like Allegra, I hope they won't feel bad if
nobody can answer due to our limited knowledge of their language(s).


Hello Jim dear,

Easier to pass judgment than to read with an open mind
I guess. But thank you for your kind words, I really felt
bad about not being able to help someone who was
asking how tall it would get and when to prune it.
Just to put x cm and March or April would have been
dumb, since I honestly didn't even know where the person
was. So I was hoping for someone to come to the rescue
and I was only to happy to encourage with a thank you
the person who did. Lets leave it at this. It would have
being "friendly" as in the signature of the person who
wrote the above if he would have extended me the courtesy
of asking what I meant if that would have been of any
importance at all. But I guess, as I said that to some
people it is easier to pass judgment than to ask the meaning
of something.

How are your roses doing? Mine are begin to stretch!
Some little buds all over, and if the weather cooperates
I will transplant tomorrow several cuttings from last fall
that have some real fatty roots and green growth and
try to put last fall's bands that were put on gallon pots
into the Leonard's bathtubs. I am breaking into hives
just of sheer impatience. How has the weather been
up there up the street from me where you are?

And thank you again, you are a gentleman and I am
grateful that at least someone recognized a kind word
to others without any other "hidden" meaning,


Main bien sur, Allegra, que vous etes une gentilefemme aussi, and anyone who
knows you wouldn't have misunderstood you. But I can see how it could have
seemed that way. Nevertheless, bring on the postings in whatever language!
We'll do our best to help anyone-- with any luck our mis-translations won't
cause too much damage from "friendly fire", to use an expression from
current events...!

With the exception of your hailstorms, we're still tracking the same
weather. My basement sump pump still churns several times a day. The sun
briefly peaked out this afternoon (about 30 minutes!), so I spent a few
minutes picking some more of the *$%@# wax off my cheap Certified Roses
bagged ones from Lowes. Most are doing OK but the few places I missed the
wax before are rotting and dieing as surely as the day is wet. Had to clip
off a few dead and rotted twigs, but otherwise they're doing ok. Everything
is thriving pretty much, and my Don Juan and Joseph's Coat are both fully
leafed out. I have high hopes for both of them, this sophomore year. The
only one that continues to be a disappointment is my ILPPoS, and she's not
long for it (I keep swearing, but still she lives....don't know why I let

Waiting for my Iceberg to really take off, but the bud eyes are finally
beginning to open. Even my hokey little rose tree is doing great....the
duplex one, the bottom is Iceberg and the top is Today. What a Frankenstein
creation this thing is, but it might be fun when it really starts to cook.

I think it'll be you and me bring in last place for the "first bloom"
contest this year!
