Dame de coeur
I don't think Allegra's point is that this is an EXCLUSIVELY
English-speaking group (we all know that Allegra is way too tasteful and
ladylike to say anything so tacky!). That seems pretty apparant (at least
to me) in her second paragraph.
She just meant that she can't speak Dutch, and she was glad that Rien can.
This newsgroups PREDOMINANT language is English, that's all.
I can only speak for myself, but I certainly don't mind if non-English
speakers post in here...but like Allegra, I hope they won't feel bad if
nobody can answer due to our limited knowledge of their language(s).
"Rosa Rosam" wrote in message news:3e7e5f98$1@news...
With respect, where is it said this is an English speaking only group?
I though REC was general. And however the others are by country (US, UK,
etc...), not by language.
It it was the case some coutries would be in trouble.. Belgium or
Switzerland for example.
I realise almost everybody in the group is from english speaking
but it's not a reason to have narrow minds, isn't it.
"Allegra" wrote in message
"antis" wrote in message
Hallo Marian.
De Dama de Coeur wordt ongeveer 0.90 cm hoog. Snoeien kan als elke
andere struikroos op ongeveer 3 ogen of +/- 20cm.
Dat snoeien kan NU, in Maart.
Als je meer vragen in deze nieuwsgroep stelt, doe dat dan in het
dit een engelse nieuwsgroep is.Dan krijg je meer en sneller antwoord.
Groet, Rien
Hello Rien,
Thank you for telling "antis" about this being an English
speaking group. My knowledge of Dutch is so limited
that I could not find the way to answer her question
about the expected growth or when to prune it.
So thank you again, I hate the idea of someone asking
for help with roses and neither one of us being able to
answer or direct them towards the right information.
Now, when is the world going to learn Esperanto ;) ?