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Old 11-12-2006, 02:53 PM posted to rec.ponds
Tristan Tristan is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default So how do I kill off a heron thats eating my koi

For some reason or other I fail to grasp what is so darn hard about
using a valid email account like yahoo or hotmail. It would suffice
for the purpose at hand and it is indeed a valid email......I do not
think anyone is asking to make anyone give up their ISP's givenemail
addy, as that is kiind of strong actins especiallyin a forum where
emails can be harvested. Odds are there is no bots thats gonna un-mung
an email, but there are jerks that have nothng better to do than
un-mung a simple mung job, if given a reason.

On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 13:21:12 +0000, Gill Passman

Derek Broughton wrote:

Not a problem, I think. If every email has to be valid (if they want
moderated posts returned) the software should be able to mung the email

I hadn't thought of that - email addies munged by the moderation
software sounds a good idea....I wonder how far this could be taken -
would it, for example, be possible for only the robo-moderation software
to know the "real addresses" of posters - so if a post is returned it
automatically unmungs the address without a human being ever having to
know the true address?

Just throwing out ideas here - don't even know if any software is out
there capable of doing this. Some people have a more protective stance
on their email addresses than others - and this in itself might put them
off a moderated group...or would the moderators feel that if they are
trusted enough to moderate the group they should be trusted to have all
the "real" email addresses of posters? Or would the munging be so
obvious that everyone could work out the address anyway? Or does any of
this matter to the average poster?

All food for thought....


I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!