"Gill Passman" wrote in message
Zëbulon wrote:
This goes for all of us. We discussed this several times by email and on
the phone.
Yes we did...nothing has changed in my attitude or opinions on this....
Nor has mine. A moderated group should have been discussed then. Did you
actually think these trolls on a mission would leave on their own in time?
Anyone could see how obsessed they were. This is FUN to them! It's
You then abandoned Usenet almost entirely until very recently. A few of
us remained on Usenet and held down the fort and endured the endless
abuse of both the trolls and the pond regular now known as Tristan.
I still post on Usenet....but preferred not to when being dragged into
this. flame wars or subject to abuse or spamming...however I see this
opportunity for rec.ponds to find a solution bigger than my reluctance to
post on Usenet....and to me, the principle is more important than how much
I get hurt by taking the stance that I do...
I have the same stance so what's the difference then? :-)
Now George comes back after months of silence and suggests a moderated
group and here *you* are........... suddenly everyone agrees it's the
only way to go.
After my little delve into the archives to vindicate my own posting
history I am getting more of a clue as to who George is and he is fine by
I didn't say he's not fine. The only Geo I remember was some poster from NY
I think who took off when the attacks here began. I don't know enough about
him to have much of an opinion anyway. It's just that someone who's been
gone for months makes the same suggestion I made 2 years ago and everyone
jumps on it. Actually I'm glad they did FINALLY - as they finally realized
I was right all along.
Before the attacks on the Aquarium groups I never remember you once
posting anything to rec.ponds but at this point that's neither here nor
Did the not begin 2 years ago? = Date: Sun 15 May 2005 18:26
Again check the archives....after lurking for a very long time first post
Pond in planning stages
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From: Gill Passman - view profile
Date: Sun 15 May 2005 18:26
Email: "Gill Passman" gillspamattaylorpassmanspam.co.uk
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Hi All,
After lurking on this group for a few months and a lot of research
elsewhere I am almost ready to finalize the plans for our pond.
We will most likely be using pond liner due to the area to be covered and
the fact that it won't be completely square or rectangular. The structure
will be decking panels. I will probably need to put a grid in short-term
because of my 4 year old daughter. We are planning to keep fish in here -
hubbie wants Koi but this is still up for debate.
The pond is going to be raised around 2-3 foot above ground level. I was
wondering if we need to dig below the surface at all as well? The problem
that our soakaway runs around six inches below where the end of the pond
going to be. Of course there is the possibility to dig deeper at the other
end of where the pond is planned for.
Any thoughts on this would be helpful - especially on the need to dig and
yes how deep?
Subject changed: Pond in planning stages - Gill
From: Reel McKoi - view profile
Date: Sun 15 May 2005 20:34
Email: "Reel McKoi"
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"Gill Passman" gillspamattaylorpassmanspam.co.uk wrote in message
.. .
Any thoughts on this would be helpful - especially on the need to dig
yes how deep?
If it deep freezes where you live you would need some kind of heater to
an area unfrozen - or dig below the frost line. As you know the fish will
not survive being frozen solid.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
EVERYONE: "Please check people's headers for forgeries
before flushing." :-)
~~~ }((((o ~~~ }{{{{o ~~~ }(((((o
From: ~Roy~ - view profile
Date: Sun 15 May 2005 21:02
Email: (~Roy~)
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On Sun, 15 May 2005 15:34:51 -0500, "Reel McKoi" of
mumbled something to the effect of:
===If it deep freezes where you live you would need some kind of
heater to keep
===an area unfrozen - or dig below the frost line. As you know the
fish will
===not survive being frozen solid.
Give the folks a break. I am sure they are well aware most fish would
not take kindly to being encased in a block of ice...........And you
did not answer the question either.
YOu can get my with most any depth, but deeper is better in the colder
climes, as you can take advantage of warmer ground temps and if you
install a stock tank heater you can get my with even shallower depths.
Don't take it for granted if the frost level is only 2 feet your safe
at 3 feet......odds are it will bite you one day. A lot of folks have
kept fish in the cold climes at depths of 3 feet or less with the use
of a heater in the pond, or with a shelter over the pond with a bit of
heat inside.......Personally I would make it as deep as I could, and
if it turns out its not quite deep enough add a heat source, or move
fish indoors during winter season as a lot also do.
Put some color in your cheeks...garden naked!
IIRC Reel McKoi was the nym you were using at the time and Roy was in fact
posting as Roy - I have not included the entire thread as I believe it was
well into 30 posts with lots of fantastic info....and yes, this proves
that I have never posted on-topic on rec.ponds and without a genuine
interest or thirst for knowledge...there are other examples but this one
as the first stands for me.....
Ok. I stand corrected. You did post AFTER the attacks began.
The post I made was not about personalities but about something that
should be considered when forming an RFD and who's opinions are
valid....and anyone who brings this into a neutral discussion has some
different agenda imo and wishes to trash the opinions of someone who they
perceive is against their interests....
I have no idea whose interests anyone here is out for. How can I at this
time? I've been tricked and manipulated before trusting people from these
groups - never again. Once bitten - twice careful.
on the face of it a
moderated rec.ponds should be very much in your interest - so why fight
and accuse someone of trolling or being a usurper who is actually trying
to advocate everyone's right to post in peace without abuse?
No one accuses you of being an usurper did they? Lets not get paranoid now.
:-) And is it in my interest Gill? I think it's in everyone's interest
since the trolls have effected everyone on this group long enough. Any
suspicions I have are well founded (not pertaining to anyone in particular).
You weren't the only one I was getting e-mail from as I'm sure you well
As you can see I'm still being verbally abused here (do you really care as
you claimed you did?) and as YOU wish I am not replying to the perpetrator
am I? No. I was told to silently endure the abuse and I am - since you
think it helps. Has my remaining silent helped Gill? :-) If I was
posting what these people are still posting would I be ignored and
killfiled? I'm just curious since I never posted anything close to what I
saw here until I killfiled him again, and yet you patronize him. What's a
gal to think Gill? Why am I held to a different standard? Something
doesn't jive.........
I'm adding the smilies to let you know I'm not being vindictive, just
letting you know what's on my mind.
Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
My Pond & Aquarium Pages:
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