Bogus RFD rec.pond.moderated
In in mine also! But I respect personal experience as well. The feed is an
example is it not? Your kio thrive on it and I have hundreds of stunted
fish. As for research. Remember Jan, they did research in HRT and it was
supposed to prevent osteoporosis, early aging and heart disease. Then
WHOOPSIE!!!! All these years later they find it not only doesn't prevent
those things - it stimulates breast cancer and kills. Research proved birth
control pills were safe - but OH NO!!!! it killed us women with blood clots.
Research gone bad? Then there was research that showed transfats and how
healthy they were compared to animal fats..... but BY GEORGE!!!!... now we
know transfats are so dangerous NYC banned their use in restaurant
foods....... need I go on?
No. Because you just missed the big picture. All of the above was found out
by further RESEARCH! Sheesh.
Why should I blindly believe research into
fish foods when the research where humans are concerned is so horrendous, so
poor and ultimately proved so wrong and in some cases so deadly? Sorry Jan,
I have little faith in research and with good reason. I'm sure *this side
of research* would be brought out in any discussion of research - do you
No. See statement above.
See above. What's norm in your pond may not be the norm in mine and I now
have hundreds of worthless fish to prove it. Where's that researcher now?
That researcher would want to see your control group. The food may have had
nothing to do with the problem. Generics and environment still play a big
part. Perhaps you got an old batch of food. Lots of variables unless done
under controlled conditions. Research is always based on controls, I'll
trust the research... and even if it is wrong, they'll come back and tell
me so... because they continue researching.
Does it jive with the research? I'd like to wring their necks. If
information doesn't jive with your (not you in particular) beliefs then join
in for Pete's sake, nothing wrong with that, but don't try and make the
person look like an idiot because something else worked for them - or what
they say doesn't jive with some research or something read somewhere in some
book or website. :-) I hope you can see my point.
I'm afraid what I see is the possibly that you're going to take offense if
someone counters your experience with theirs (good, bad or indifferent) and
backs theirs up with research by professionals. ~ jan