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Old 08-12-2006, 01:13 AM posted to rec.ponds
Köi-Lö[_3_] Köi-Lö[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 104
Default ATTN: Koi Lo aka carol gulley

"Gill Passman" wrote in message
Don't patronise me please....I am totally aware who Tristan is and cannot
give a damn as long as he posts on topic....

Sorry, I wasn't patronizing you. You said it's going on for 10 years but I
don't *KNOW* this Roy for more than 2 years.

but then afterall if
rec.ponds is moderated that is totally how it should be....and imo the
same goes for you as well - now how is that for balanced????

Of course! No problem...

There is no question of who is who...been here long enough to work that
out....IMO the only way a moderated group will work is to forget the past
and concentrate on people who can contribute on-topic - and I mean you as
well as Roy....

I have not attacked or even replied to him, and have known it was him after
the first few personal attack messages. No need to preach to the choir. ;-)

even if some do not share the sentiments or the
advice given (woops maybe I also mean Jan suggesting the more expensive
Koi food) - on Usenet and in fact the internet in general we all have the
choice to follow or not what we are told - it would be a merry fool that
didn't go looking for back up info on what they read on Usenet unless of
course they trusted the poster impicitly...

Oh,..... let's not go there Gill. I learned these past two years you can't
trust anyone you meet online. NO ONE! Too many of them have their own
agendas. And I'm speaking "in general" now. I'm not pointing a finger at
anyone in particular.

But this detracts....a correctly moderated group would prevent these
personality conflicts....information given or opinions offered as always
should be verified....discussions initiated, even if by taking a position
that will generate the discussion not to the taste of everyone, is a

My dear, we've all been over this already and I AGREE. :-) I'm not
patronizing you, but these personal attacks and insults on myself, my
husband and other posters here are not on-topic pond messages. These are not
discussions, they're ATTACKS designed to cause more disruption, suspicion,
lack of trust at hatred here than already exists.

If Jabbers wishes to keep a goldfish in a tank because living in an inner
city appartment (and I don't even have a clue whether he does or not)
stops him from having a pond and he has a question about it....well then,
Jabbers, please ask your questions....Jabbers moves to the country and
digs himself a pond he knows where to come to for great advice....Jabbers
only has an interest in disrupting on-topic discussion on ponds and fish -
then Jabbers knows where he can go to....I guess that might be moderation
on a fair level....content not history or personality.....

I think it's already been said that no one cares - *IF* they keep their
messages reasonably ON-TOPIC. :-)

Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
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