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Old 07-12-2006, 10:59 PM posted to rec.ponds
Tristan Tristan is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Sadly supporting moderation

All you have to do is keep a cheat sheet in your pocket or tacked on
the ponds edge so you can refer to it. Then when someone says oh, look
at the fish that looks like a Dalmation can
nonchalantly meander over to your note and give it a quick glance and
say, oh, you like that bekko koi to.....yes but it has a hint of a
bit of hi so its not really a good example as that one over there,
without the hi, is a good example of a bekko koi. (bekko is a koi
that is colored like a dalmation dog and "HI" is not from the fish
smoking dope, it too is a coloration of orange.
Koi that are supposed to only have two colors are known as IIRC
Utsuri koi. A bekko is a utsuri koi, a go-sanke is not. I think I have
the terms and colors right, but don't place any bets with a real koi
keeper on it, you may loose. ;-)

On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 21:50:34 +0000, Gill Passman

Well all I can say is when I get into the intracies of keeping Koi I
hope you guys are around to put me right.....and help out...even if it
is on a moderated group which I guess would allow me to sort the wheat
from the chaff....without the hassle of sorting it manually in my head...
