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Old 07-12-2006, 09:56 PM posted to rec.ponds
Tristan Tristan is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Sadly supporting moderation

Ask Jan to explain what a Sanke is........I am sure she would be
happy to expain that being she is a koi guru...I would tell you to
ask koi lo but she would probaly lie to you.
Just because a plant is on the states hit list does not make it
illegal in all states even if on a so called list to have in your
personal possession., Were not talking pot plants were talking
invasive plants. Parrots feather and hyacinths are not allowed to be
sold and if you listen to some folks its against the law to have them,
since they construe ban to be not able to have, False entirely.
Virtually most all invasive plants listed exist in this and surounding
states however not all of thes estates consider them invasive. I can
literally walk 900 yards down to my stream and get all the parrots
feather and hyacinth I care to harvest andput it in my "private" ponds
if I so desire. Or I can go visit a friend in South Carolina and bring
home a truck load of these so called "illegal plants" and place them
in my pond and the state is not gonna do a darn thing about it.
However just don;t let me get caught selling the things to residents
of this state as thats illegal, not the act of having them. However I
can legally sell them to residents that do not live in this
state.......Its also against the law here to own a chicken eating hog,
but its done all the time......yet how a law is interpreted and by

On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:18:40 GMT, "Gail Futoran"

"Tristan" wrote in message
.. .

And that crieteria is in whos opinion, Different areas, states
countries all have different views that are wholey legal in their way
and looked at as normal.

I will often cringe when rec.ponders recommend adding certain types of
plants to a pond when I know it is illegal to have those plants in the state
I live in. If I know the person asking the question lives in the same state
I live in, I might post the link a state-run website about banned aquatic
plants as a way of giving someone information, their choice what to do about

Presumably, that is something we have to consider about moderation policies
when the RFD is posted to news.groups.proposals.

How about a koi grill out. Were koi recipies can be exchanged., God
forbide kill a pet koi and eat it.,,.,.hell no that would be stopped
inits tracks, yet there is a perfeclty acceptable group and a forum as
well that have no problems with killing and eating a koi nor do they
have a proboem with pitching a cull on the ground and sticking it in
the hole by a fruit tree either.....

In parts of the world it is perfectly acceptable to eat cat and dog. In
most of the USA it is not acceptable. What should be done about such posts
as you describe above I have no idea. I would assume reasonable people
would be able to discuss such matters reasonably and come to a reasonable
solution, but then I've always been a bit of an optimist.

No the majority here for the most part have a very very bnarrow minded
view of what is reality in ponding and koi world. And that alone is
going to keep this group locked down to only the moderators views ot a
view of what is fine for one is also needs to be viewed as well.

Personal attack. Adds nothing to the discussion at hand.

Someone ask me how grilled sanke tastes..with bell peppers adnd onions
and seasoning. Its great, nice big slabs of meat griled to a flakey
consistency, actually makes grilled snapper or grouper kind of mundane
at most since koi are quick to grow and great eating and cheap.

I have no idea what a "sanke" is. Some sort of exotic meat or vegetable?

rec.ponder since April 2003