YOur bullshit holds as much credence as Carol does in saying she will
never post again. There is a ton of users that lurk, there is a ton
thatpost only rarely. But to you and some others the only ones with a
real vested interest in ponds is those that fill up bandwidth with
bullshit assinine posts that have no real bearing on ponds or fish,
but merely numbers posted in the rec.ponds group, Your a loney tune
Gail. a real fruit cake. YOu do not believe anyone on their intents
so why could you be trusted to be a fair mod....its just not gonna
happen is it.
On Wed, 06 Dec 2006 18:10:19 GMT, "Gail Futoran"
This is a public service announcement:
Anyone who is interested in rec.ponds.moderated would
be well advised to do an advanced search on Google
groups and review the posts of those involved in the
rec.ponds discussion over the past two weeks or so to
decide for themselves the veracity of statements made.
-Go to Advanced Groups Search (link to the right of the
large SEARCH box)
-put rec.ponds in the Group box (or any other group(s)
you're interested in)
-If you're interested in a particular poster, put that
indivdual's name in the Author box. You can use their
username or their email addy
-If you're interested in a particular subject, you can
do that, too
-You can limit the time of the search by specifying
certain dates.
Once you done an advanced search a couple of times,
you'll get the hang of it and can revise your search
based on criteria that interest you.
rec.ponder since April 2003