So how do I kill off a heron thats eating my koi
Tristan wrote:
Would a shotgun or a 22 be better? It has cleane dme out of my 4 to 6
inch goldies already, and is starting on my about a
fish baited with a treble hook?
The only point that I see of this post is to try and see what may or
might not get past any moderators on a moderated rec.ponds...not a
legitimate question but a bit of a game.....
I believe you have your answer...although I haven't done this in the
right order but I'm tired....the question is valid and
why wouldn't it get posted even though the sentiments expressed are
designed to be imflammatory ......if it went further down the line then
maybe it would get banned....but I'm sure that you are not even slightly
serious in the solutions you are are playing a game to
see what would happen....and that is got answers on the
unmoderated group....most valid as well....I'm sorry, but I don't see
how moderation should impact this post....apart from thinking (sorry)
that the post was deliberately made to inflame people.....which afterall
is your intention albeit just to test how the moderators would react...
PS I have no idea whatsoever how this would get through any moderation
process but once the RFD gets published, and we do need to wait for this
rather than speculate, we can then argue about the moderation
policy...rather than trying to preempt this....