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Old 06-12-2006, 12:06 AM posted to rec.ponds
Tristan Tristan is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default So how do I kill off a heron thats eating my koi

Your not paying attention Galen. I own and have quite a few firearms
already. I have no need to buy a weapaon at Wally World. I can nail a
ground hog in the eye at 100 yards without a problem with a 22 and a
heron is certianly not a hard target. They are however best shot with
a 22 cal anyhow as they are more apt to get hit, and then fly away and
off the property to die elsewhere, and save the problem of having to
SSS the dam thing. You do know what SSS is I presume. Shoot, shovel
and shutup. So to me a 22 cal preferably a low velocity target round
not a CCI mini mag or high velocity hollow point is whats best so it
wounds the bird, but enables it to get gone and away from the area.
Odds are it will be dead within 24 hours and if it suffers so what,
its pay back for my fish being speared and not killed....As to your
claim your still assuming what I can get or do without any validity on
your part in even knowing who or where I am and why I can probably or
may already have a permit to harvest herons and other birds of prey as
such.....I I would stil put moneyon this post ever making it into any
group moderated by any of the proposed moderators. I just love stupid
folks who spend big bucks just to feed the predators, and think a net
is gong to solve it, or a water spraying scarecrow....It takes lead.

On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 17:59:30 -0500, Galen Hekhuis

On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 16:10:49 -0600, Tristan

NOw you let me be the judge on that since its my fish, my gun and my
money involved. Typical for a rec.ponder is to get off on a totally
different tangent than originally asked, and evade the question that
was posted.

Now just to set the record straight, doyou really think this post
would have ever gotten into a moderated group? I doubt it would as
there is too many one sided views, even though its still a legitimate
question at hand. It just does not fit everyones way of looking at
it, nnow doe sit? You all failed the test. plain and simple and its
just a sign of whats to come when and if this ever gets to a miderated
forum. Its gonna be as one sided as it can possibly be. All questions
a re viable questions and its not for mods to determine if it is or
not. Who is to say its not legal to shot a heron where I live? Yet ya
all are so quick to voive an opinion.

To set the record straight, as you put it, your original post, Kathy's
follow up, your follow up to that follow up, my follow up... you get the
picture, they all would be "allowed" if I were the moderator.

So Galen you too fail for mod status but I am sure you will fit in
with the rest of these pompous righteous *******s that just chomp at
the bit to be moderators.

And I do not have any heron problems least none that I
need to come to such a lame assed bunch of weak minded clowns to get
ideas from. And you better hceck as it is perfectly legal to shoot
herons as it depends on if you have a permit and what reason it was
issued for. So you never know, I may just be legal to shoot the
freaking things......permits are not as hard to get as one may think
they are.

Here in Florida you'll get very old waiting for some kind of permit to kill
heron, and I'm pretty sure that's the case just about everywhere. I
seriously doubt you'd have any luck in declaring them a "nuisance," no
matter how many fish you lose. I own several guns, and have licenses to
kill just about everything you can here in Florida. I live out in the
country too, on enough acreage that I can pretty much do what I want, so I
know where you're coming from that way. But I didn't address the
legalities of it then, and even legalities aside I think it is a really
poor idea. Let's look at why. First of all, you're going to have to be a
pretty good shot to use a .22. Not an expert by any means, but still
pretty good. But you don't know that, so obviously, you must not be a very
good shot, so a shotgun is the thing for you. But starting one off
shooting with a shotgun isn't the best idea, and it isn't the ideal gun for
a "first gun," so... I think even you can see the problems in giving any
kind of advice, plus you don't even hint at range or stuff, so even a guess
at a choke is pretty much just a guess. The best advice I could come up
with is that you not use any type of firearm, they aren't toys, even if you
can buy them at Wal Mart.

Galen Hekhuis NpD, JFR, GWA
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