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Old 05-12-2006, 05:56 PM posted to rec.ponds
Gail Futoran[_1_] Gail Futoran[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 82
Default Attn: true rec.ponders -brief update for 12-3 -from george

"Gail Futoran" wrote in message
A minimal amount of research in Google groups will demonstrate that your
assertion is completely false. And offensive to rec.ponders who have
requested to a wide range of queries, some only minimally related to
with friendliness and helpfulness.


That was supposed to read "And offensive to rec.ponders who have *responded*
to a wide range of queries..."


rec.ponder since April 2003

Casein point, was a person who tried their damdest to straightenouot
RP, and failed. She wsa from the UK, lurked here for a long long time,
and odds are not one of the rec ponders ever knew of her. She wanted
to listen anbd learn how to do ponds and koi. Her intent was to build
a proper where would htis group be with such narrow
minded views that yu need to have a physical pond to have an interest
or be recognized in this group.

Who? You can make up anything you like, but unless you're prepared to
provide a user name so that I or anyone else can go to Google groups to
check out your story, then you're just blowing smoke.

Far as that goes, Carol uses her
neighbors pinds and claims them as her own..

How would you know that?

No need to moderate if
Carol was to be blocked period off the usenet and it could certainly
be done if folks complained about the "right" person instead of the
numerous trolls that would soon go away if Carol was history. You all
brought and endorsed Carol for what she is so now you need to put up
with the bitch or shut up!

Personal attacks would not be allowed in rec.ponds.moderated.
If you don't like personal attacks, why are you engaging in them yourself?

And again, anyone will be allowed to post to rec.ponds.moderated, as long
their posts are on topic, no matter what their past posting history on
unmoderated groups. Even on topic posts from Vorian Atreides would be
welcome, assuming he(?) has any interest in ponds, which I doubt.

rec.ponder since April 2003

On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 02:30:26 GMT, "Gail Futoran"

[ngs trimmed]
"Vorian Atreides" wrote in message

And your interest in ponds is...??? Sounds like...???
