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Old 01-12-2006, 05:44 PM posted to rec.ponds
Jayne Kulikauskas Jayne Kulikauskas is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 22
Default Attn: True rec.ponder's -update for 11-30-06 -from "george"

On 01 Dec 2006 03:07:50 GMT, wrote:

Jayne Kulikauskas wrote:

I have noticed that some ponders seem reluctant to reveal their
names/email. This may make some of you reluctant to post your support.
There have been several methods of polling used in RFDs in the past. I'm
looking into whether one is available that will allow people to express
their support while retaining anonymity. Are there suggestions about
other ways to handle this, if anonymous polling is not available?

My e-mail address is only thinly veiled. Just enough that anyone who wants
to e-mail me has to change it. When I am sent unsolicited, offensive and
abusive e-mail, I report it to the senders ISP and news browser.

If I were sending to a moderator in Big-8, with the knowledge that my
precise e-mail address would not be posted, I would eat my own SPAM to do


An update since my earlier post: There is a polling system in which posters
names/email are not published. There seem to be some anti-fraud features
in it too, but I don't know the details. Once the RFD is up, the
information on how to respond to the poll will go out and anyone with
concerns about how the poll works can ask them then.

It is not a simple yes/no system and you will be able to use it for making
comments as well. So people who want to show support for a moderated group
without having their email appear or even without posting to
news.groups.proposals will be able to do so.
