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Old 29-11-2006, 09:49 PM posted to
Steveo Steveo is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 443
Default to stone or not to stone.....

JerseyMike said:
What kind of grass?

it's a wide variety. i never said it was a good lawn, it has it's
share of weeds that i can't ever seem to get rid of, but i'd like to
keep it green at least. it has been a struggle for 13 years and i'm
getting tired of it always working out the same way. that's why i was
looking for other people's experience w/ stone and their thoughts.

The reason that I asked was: Perhaps you have an abundance of cool season
grass(es), which would definately give results as you have experienced,
during hot weather. Perhaps going with a more warm-season grass would do
the trick.

If it's a sunny area I'd consider killing the whole thing with roundup and
planting a blend with improved turf type tall fescue. How many square feet
is it, and is it fairly level?