new Rec.Ponds.Moderated group -update READ THIS FOLKS
A handle on her? How about a handle on you? You also have and use Hipcrime,
so what's your point?
"RTB" wrote in message
You all are being duped. I have it on good source that this so called
George,, who wants to start a moderated rec ponds group is no onther
than.........are you ready for this......drum roll please.......Lone
Gunman and Roy. Both of them have Hipcrime and both can easily
propagate a group on usenet. I wuld tread lightly on this until this
so called "george" gives his email address and has the abiltiy to
confirm his previous posts that he claims he has made previously. The
last thing that needs to be done is to have Lone Gunman (Max Polare
and Roy back in this forum. The only real problem is Carol, so if we
canget a handle on her, we can get the group back......