shrinking tree roots blocking drainage pipe ?
"K" wrote in message
gentlegreen writes
Dear URGlers,
I recently found that the water from my mum's roof was backing up and
an age to get down to the soakaway.
The offending tree has now been removed, but the clay drainage pipe is
stuffed with roots.
Apart from diverting the water elsewhere and allowing the roots to dry and
shrink, I wonder how best to speed the process without major excavation.
The gunpowder option has been considered and discounted ;-)
Would Sodium chlorate or ammonium sulphamate expedite the situation ?
I presume you don't want to get a drainage company in? They can often
clear roots from inside without need for excavation, and can if required
line the pipes to help prevent re-occurrence.
Also, check buildings insurance - it may be covered under that, and if so,
getting in a drainage contractor may be the easiest option.
A treatment of caustic soda might do the trick. It certainly does with my
blocked downpipes on occasion.
be very careful and follow instructions as it can cause a nasty burn if it
gets on your skin.