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Old 19-11-2006, 05:59 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_1_] Sacha[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Two plant IDs please

On 19/11/06 15:56, in article lid, "Stewart
Robert Hinsley" wrote:

In message , Sacha
We have two plants we were given and neither we nor the donor know the
variety. The first is a climbing nasturtium which in a pot, in an
unheated polytunnel, has gone to 8' and is spreading along the wires.
It still has flower buds on it. The seeds came from a friend whose
nephew brought them back from Chile - so perhaps you begin to see the
difficulty in getting an ID! The flowers are orange with a 3 to 4"
long stem and a spur that is 1.5 to 2" long. The inside of the flower
has darker orangey/red, very fine stripes right in the throat of the
two larger top petals and each of the three smaller low petals has a
red blotch on it and is fringed. I should think each flower is
probably about 1" diameter. It's a really charming plant and both
vigorous and floriferous and we'd love to know what it is.

There was an article in a recent issue of The Garden about the national
collection of Tropaeolum - if no one beats me to it I'll see if that
sheds any light on the ID.

Aha! I'll see if Ray remembers where he's put that but would be grateful to
hear from you if he can't find it!
South Devon