"Mushy Potatoes" - anyone know why?
On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:11:09 +0000, ®óñ© © ² * ¹°°³ wrote:
On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:43:14 -0000, "Mary Fisher"
wrote and included this (or some of this):
Quick question: one of my clients (I'm a professional gardener, but
don't hold that against me) asked me why his entire potato crop, of
various types, turned to mush as soon as they were put into boiling
I have no idea!!
Desperate to preserve my reputation, I turn to you (picture me with
hands out, pleading) for suggestion...
Perhaps they had been frozen?
I've had potatoes which turned mushy after a few minutes of boiling, I
reagard that as good (saves energy). But I've never had a potato which
turned to mush as soon as they were put into boiling water. Perhaps it was
an exaggeration?
Perhaps someone has developed a new "Smash" potato cultivar.
those aliens might have returned to take our potatoes over...