Pond bred Fantails
"PatC" wrote in message
I have no idea what this is all about, obviously I'm missing some subtle
It's a post from the Jehovahs Witness religious fanatic trying to have a
poster here named Koi-lo beat up or murdered. The man's insane, changes his
name several times a day and has infested this group for 2 years.
Anyway should I be thanking folks for their answers?
OK, the area that they are in is quite small, say approx 20 - 30 gallons.
The water is fairly well planted & has algae growth.
There could be anywhere between 50 - 100 or more or less, who knows how to
count the fry!
So when & if & what should I be putting into their environment?
Thanks for some answers that don't totally confuse me with all the other
"Tleilax" wrote in message
No, it seems you are "Henry" AKA Koi-lo..
Who else would NYM shift when the truth is exposed about you...
Henry Mankinna wrote:
You kOoking out again Antonio?
Obsession with your victim noted Ko0k.
"Tleilax" wrote in message
Köi-Lö wrote:
"PatC" wrote in message
My Fantails spawned in the potted weeds. I moved the pots to a
the pond that has no other fish in it, & a number of babies have
week ago.
They seem to be doing OK but I am wondering if /when/what I should be
about feeding them.
Can they survive on the mico-organisms in the pond water & if so for
Thanks for any response
How many are there and how many gallons is the pond area they're in?
So you can ask the same question on a pond forum and then reply here
back as if it was your own?
You know Carol.. that the sign of a Kook.