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Old 27-10-2006, 07:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Galpin Janet Galpin is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 74
Default Outdoor autumn/spring flowering cyclamen

The message
from "Bob Hobden" contains these words:

Steve wrote...
Way back in June the group advised me on what to do with the seeds that
had set and that advice must have been good as I now have two small
trays with about 10 mini plants in each.

How do I look after them over the next few months? They are currently
outside and subject to all the weather decides to throw at them - I
have a heated greenhouse, but don't have a cold frame.

So over to you guys again so that I still have my plants to ask more
questions about in 2007.

They self seed around a friends garden and I've noticed some little ones
coming up in ours too so I would think they would be OK outside in a
sheltered spot.

Yes, I agree that they will be fine outside. It's best to leave them in
the trays and only split them up into separate pots when they're a
reasonable size and about to come into growth, i.e. midsummer. I would
tend to leave them until 2008!

Janet G