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Old 22-03-2003, 06:08 PM
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Default Vine Weevil Larvae in outside soil.

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Can anyone help please.

I dug up some Astilbes the other day with the intention of dividing them
and I noticed there were a dozen or so Vine Weevil larvae and also what
looked like eggs. I've thrown away the Astilbes and had a sift through
the surrounding soil picking out what larvae and eggs I could find.

All the advice I can find on dealing with Vine Weevil assumes container
grown plants or plants in a green house. Mine are in the outside soil in
a border of the garden, with other established shrubs nearby. Is there
anything further I should do?

I had some in my garden a few years ago. Watering the soil well with
insecticide, mixed according to the instructions, over a wide area worked
fine. Obviously, not suitable for those who don't like chemicals in the

Colin Bignell