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Old 21-10-2006, 12:03 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Alan Holmes Alan Holmes is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 607
Default What are the Broadview and Buccaneer walnut trees that you can buy

"Mike Lyle" wrote in message

Alan Holmes wrote:
"Alan Holmes" wrote in message

"farmer_giles" wrote in message
Are they just purely a type of Juglans Regia grafted onto a black
walnut Juglans Nigra ???

Or what ???

If they are not grafted why are they so expensive.

Or better still where can I buy one at the cheapest price in the UK
(lower than £20). As I do not see any for sale as bare rooted.

I'll be happy to sell you one for less than £20, as the damned squirrels
keep planting the nuts so I always have 10 or more new trees growing

Doesn't anyone want my walnut trees?

I'd love to have space for several! But have you brought any of your
seedlings on to fruiting? If I were going to plant just one or two
trees, I'd want to choose a variety likely to produce before I became
fertiliser -- just as with any other fruit tree.
