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Old 16-10-2006, 09:59 AM posted to aus.gardens
Tish[_1_] Tish[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 22
Default fruit trees on septic drainage line?

On 16 Oct 2006 00:29:00 -0700, wrote:

Tish wrote:
We never get it together enough to properly control for fruit flies,
so we are planning on avoiding things like pome fruit (apples, pears,
quince, nectarines, peaches, apricots, etc). Likewise, planting
feijoas and quavas would be foolish. We have enough citrus for the
moment (lemon, two limes and two mandarins), so won't be planting any
more citrus (much to the disgust of the local swamp wallaby).

Any ideas? Particuarly, anything that is resistant to fruit fly and
which won't poison native wildlife/birds.

You aren't exactly making it easy for us. No soft fruit, apples,
pears, quinces or citrus. Figs are fruit fly magnets, and besides
their roots can be invasive. You are considering avocados
obviously. Passionfruit would probably do well, although it isn't
actually a tree...

I know ... difficult thing to figure out.
So far I'm thinking of non-astringent persimmons and shah-toot
mulberries, but was hoping / wondering if someone out there in usenet
land might know of other options. I've read Glowinski from cover to
cover and found the fruit fly thing the most depressing aspect of the
whole search.
