best spot weed killer
On 11 Oct 2006 19:16:18 -0700, "raycruzer"
Yes on Roundup and weed torches or flamers.
But, keep in mind that herbicides and flamers do not actually remove
weeds. Even if they successfully kill the weeds, the weeds are still
there. This means that they take space in lawns, for example, where
you need good grass to grow.
Nonsense. When the weed is dead it is gone, not producing any more
seeds nor sending out any runners. The weed biomass will be there
until it decays and becomes part of the soil structure (a good use for
a dead weed).
That's why it's better to use a tool that actually removes weeds, like
the "Herbicide Helper" Weed Twister. This tool will twist out
crabgrass dead or alive. The sooner the crabgrass is gone, the sooner
your good grass can take its place.
More nonsense. Removing part of a weed does not get rid of it as part
of its root structure is still in the soil and will promptly develop
into a new weed plant.
Dead crabgrass has already produced seeds which will sprout into new
crabgrass unless treated with a pre-emergent herbicide, organic or
other. The "twister" removes only the old crabgrass plant which I can
do easily with my bare hands if so inclined.
JMHO but I have nothing to sell.