Agway fertilizer and Scotts broadcast spreader - what setting???
Ann ranted:
And I have converted many more to organic, because of the lack of
growth spurt (and all the subsequent mowing), the wonderful green and
abundant root growth provided by the totally reliable organic
fertilizer I use only twice a year, no four-step program necessary.
All that wonderful grass growth without the chemicals to worry about
at all. Why switch to Scotts? Oh, that's right, we're growing
sharholders here, not grass.
You rather remind me of John Riley from Oz who was an ardent defender
of anything chemical.
Opinionated much, Ann?
If you are getting big growth spurts with Scotts fertilizer and a well
calibrated Scotts spreader, then you aren't very astute. I currently
use Scotts twice per year and I am extremely happy with the cost
and the results. If you don't like it, then fine. One of the advantages
of living in the Free World is the fact that we are pretty much free
to do as we please, and we are free to offer more than one solution
to a question. Which I did. Which you don't.
You can't get good results with Scotts? Maybe you aren't quite as
bright as you think you are.