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Old 02-10-2006, 06:43 PM posted to rec.gardens
Rick F. Rick F. is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 24
Default Can termites live in a vacuum?

In article , Phisherman wrote:

A few bagged termites may eat some wood but without a queen they would
not live long. Think of a colony as an entity.

Hadn't thought of that -- however, I might have the queen too for all I know..
I did pretty mich remove the entire tree down to ~1' of stump which I left behind..

You could start an active compost by mixing wood chips with grass
clippings. A properly mixed heap will raise the temperature to 120

True true.. The only downside to that is the wetness involved in keeping the
compost hot.. That would lengthen the amount of seasoning time needed, but
would likely kill the termites.. Most of my compost piles when very active can
easily reach 140 degrees for 24 hours at a time.. The other thing that would
work would be to cut the wood in pieces and place them in a large cooler and
put in a bunch of dry ice and let it sublime until gone -- that would certainly
do the job, but is more costly.