Whats the best way of getting rid of Yarrow from lawn ??
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01-10-2006, 10:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 233
Whats the best way of getting rid of Yarrow from lawn ??
"Lionel" lionel
Have you noticed that the more you cut yarrow with the lawn mower, the
smaller become its fern like leaves?
Have you also noticed that no matter how brown the grass becomes in a
drought, the yarrow stays green?
Get rid of the grass is my advice!
I always think the same about clover. I hanker after a pink and white
clover lawn with a bit of added speedwell but the Other Half isn't so
People have chamomile lawns so I don't see why yarrow couldn't work
instead; it'd be a lot less trouble if you ask me. You could include
mixed coloured varieties and then if you went on holiday and didn't mow
for a while it'd still look attractive if it started to
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