OT Hungarian goose down pillows
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29-09-2006, 03:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,092
OT Hungarian goose down pillows
On 29/9/06 14:30, in article
, "Cat(h)"
I was joking: excuses are not required :-)
It is an indulgence so I must have some kind of lingering puritanical guilt!
In fact, recently I've taken
to sleeping with a small lavender pillow beside me and it seems to make a
difference. But the price I quoted above is less than some other places.
I am very blessed to fall comfortably asleep as soon as I hit the
pillow, and to sleep like a log as a matter of course. Plus I tend to
use the pillows to prop myself up to read in bed, and often sleep
totally flat - so don't mind me.
Ever tried that space technology stuff, which takes the shape of your
body - I think it's called Tempur, or something?
Only in the sense of lying briefly on a friend's bed. She has awful back
trouble and has had a couple of operations. She's also blessed with a lot
of the green folding stuff (or whatever colour it is now!) and she bought a
Tempur mattress. She absolutely swears by it but they really are a horrid
South Devon
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